Directional Combat for INVECTOR v2.5.1
A downloadable Add-On
Requires INVECTOR Melee (or Shooter + Melee)
Requires FREE version of DOTween (HOTween V2)
This add-on lets you:
Use DIRECTIONAL ATTACK Animations, similar to the "Batman Arkham" Games, and "Elden Ring." The demo uses FREE animations and models downloaded from Mixamo.com
Tutorial videos included in download:
1) How to Install Package.
2) Adding the required components to your Player & Animations.
3) New update features highlight video.
Current Downloadable version: v2.5.2
**CHANGELOG v2.5.2
-Minor fixes. MainCamera now found automatically if you cant assign it before Start, StrafeWhileLockedOn now easier to use.
-Added JUMP ATTACKS to both Player and Enemies, and DASH ATTACK options to the Enemies. Refined Start/Stop times on all functions. Optional DASH ROTATION option to move without rotating to dash direction.
-New Navmesh Terrain sampling for movement over uneven Terrain, without warping through the ground for Enemies.
-New vLockOnDirectional component to lock onto colliders without a HealthController needed. Static objects, large enemies with multiple limbs, etc. Automatically toggles back to standard when not locked on.
-HORIZONTAL Targeting option, to combine Left/Right detection along with CameraForward, when not using vLockOnDirectional (A/D keys, or LeftThumbstick, etc).
-Added a simple Directional Object Spawner to spawn things like SPELLS or TRAPS in various ways (towards Player, Camera Forward, on vLockTarget, Raycast etc).
-MOVE DURATION value changed to MOVE SPEED (smaller values = SLOWER movement, LARGER values equal FASTER movement. All other DURATION values are unchanged).
**CHANGELOG v2.0.1:
-Tweaks to Dodge/Roll to make it smoother and alternate between them, with option to use separate input
-Improved CounterAttack function, now requires a button press between Start/Stop times during Enemy Attacks.
-Added Pull Target Start/Stop times.
-Rewritten Directional Movement function, more accurate to the Player's forward direction. New START and STOP times added for Move and Rotate Functions in the Animator Scripts. Requires holding down the Input for DirectionalAttack, by default is set to LeftShift.
-Enemy Directional Attacks now enabled, allowing for "Elden Ring"-style Enemy Bosses and Attacks, same functionality as the Player. Plus Optional events for when A.I. detects ANY target, as well as ability to check if it is the Player or Non-Player.
-Slow Motion option added, with START and STOP times same as the the Directional Combat features.
-Rewritten DODGE and ROLL system, now working with Free or Strafe Movement.
-Optional ability to use vLockOn instead of the DirectionalDetection raycasts, to move towards your Locked Target instead.
**CHANGELOG v1.2.5:
-New COUNTER ATTACK and STRAFE DODGE system, as well as a new PULL TARGET option useful for MAGIC or AERIAL attacks
-Updated CONTINUOUS OPTIONS for tweaking attack movement
-New TARGET POOLING system with new FIND RANDOM NEW TARGET option after each attack
-New Raycasts to detect if a wall or other obstacle is between you and your target, and prevents "phasing" between walls. New "ObstacleLayerMask" to limit what counts as an obstacle.
-New "ContinuousRotation" option in the DirectionalMeleeAttack component, to keep the Player rotating towards the enemy during the entire Attack Animation. Useful for "spin moves" or longer animations, if the Enemy is moving.
-New "PositionTarget" on the optional NPCHandler component, to further customize target attack positions.
In order to download this Add-On you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $11.99 USD. You will get access to the following files: